23 Famous Cat Caricatures That Will Make Your Laugh

Have you ever asked yourself why felines are so adorable and what makes them unique? Due to their charming characteristics, like their fluffy coats, large eyes, and lively nature, cats are frequently considered endearing. Cats are naturally graceful and elegant, and because they can hold a sitting or sleeping position for an extended amount of time, they make excellent subjects for painters. The countless famous paintings that exist are proof of this. One might look at several well-known pieces of cat-themed art to learn more about the subject of cats in art.

1. "The Bachelor Party" (Before 1939) by Louis Wain

Look at this fantastic work! It is not a traditional painting because of its deliberate way of conveying some emotions, a positive vibe, and a hidden message. It is an outstanding piece that impressed its viewers with originality and creativity. This artwork was created before 1939, featuring cats gathered around a table by Louis Wain, a well-known British artist known for his notable paintings that frequently included felines. Wain's distinctive art form featured funnily depicting cats with huge eyes and frequently showing them participating in human activities. In the mentioned drawing, some cats smoke cigars, and all look at the one cat in the center. Many people have found this artwork very funny and artistic.

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1. "The Bachelor Party" (Before 1939) by Louis Wain-0

2. "Cat Catching A Bird" by Pablo Picasso (1939)

The following work of art that we will present is more lamentable. As you can see, the colors speak for themselves. Picasso created numerous variations of "Cat Catching a Bird" in 1939 when the war began. He said, "The subject obsessed me; I don't know why." The author had an important message, namely about the theme of the war, which somehow shadowed that period. The bird is portrayed as desperately trying to escape the cat's clutches which try to postpone the bird's impending death, clinging to its dominance for as long as possible. The stark background heightens the scene's grotesqueness by putting an ordinary incident on an apocalyptic scale.

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2. "Cat Catching A Bird" by Pablo Picasso (1939)-0

3. Bart van der Leck, "The Cat" (1914)

"The Cat" would be an excellent example if you didn't think a black cat could look spectacular being framed in a work of art. The Louvre's exhibit of ancient Egyptian art impressed the artist during a visit to Paris. His new artistic style, which is defined by starkly reduced shapes and subdued hues, was influenced by this event. He used this strategy in his painting "The Cat," which features the cat from both a side and a profile angle with just black, white, red, and orange hues. Even if it seems like a relatively simple work of art, it captivates through its energy and charisma.

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3. Bart van der Leck, "The Cat" (1914)-0

4. "My Wife's Lovers" by Carl Kahler (1856–1906)

This painting is exceptional and complicated simultaneously, emanating a particular energy depicting an enormous love for cats. Large and amusing, "My Wife's Lovers" is a painting by Austrian artist Carl Kahler. The work of art, commissioned as a picture of the pet cats of affluent American socialite Kate Birdsall Johnson, features 42 Persian cats that she had. Carl Kahler, hired to finish the painting in the late 1800s, was best renowned for his portrayals of horse racing scenes and had never painted a cat before. He made many sketches of each of the 42 cats to get to know their distinct personalities and mannerisms to get beyond this difficulty.

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4. "My Wife's Lovers" by Carl Kahler (1856–1906)-0

5. "Study of a Cat" by Leonardo da Vinci (1478-1481)

It is impressive to look at a work of art from that period. The style and manner of sketching the movements of a cat reflect the author's imagination and creativity. The "Study of a Cat" is a drawing of a cat that was made between 1478 and 1481. It shows the cat's head tilted to the side and its body arched back. The drawing was done with a delicate, thin line that accurately shows the cat's texture and form. Even if it is an ancient painting, we can see that it involves describing a movement. Da Vinci was very interested in the natural world, and his study of the movements and anatomy of cats is precise in this sketch. He also has a strong eye for detail, evident in the picture's beautiful details.

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5. "Study of a Cat" by Leonardo da Vinci (1478-1481)-0

6. "Garfield" (1976)

But how without the most charismatic guy named Garfield? His seductive look and facial expressions make him so unique. He could not be missing from our ranking. A fictional cat, Garfield, is the protagonist of the comic strip of the same name, which Jim Davis created in 1976 and remains as popular to this day. A lazy, fat, and cynical orange tabby Persian cat is the central character in the comic strip. He is noted for his love of lasagna and sleeping and dislikes Mondays, fellow cat Nermal, and exercise.

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6. "Garfield" (1976)-0

7. "The Cat's Concert" by David Teniers II

A well-known artwork called "The Cat's Concert" has existed since the 17th century and is included in several museum collections worldwide. The first reaction you experience when you see this work of art is, of course, fun. It is impossible to stay serious when you see more illustrated curious cats trying to decode musical notes in a book and manifest their fantastic talent.

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7. "The Cat's Concert" by David Teniers II-0

8. "Barber Shop With Monkeys and Cats" (1647) by Abraham Teniers

In the past, artists often used the humanization of animals in art to convey specific messages. You can convince yourself of this by admiring the "Barber Shop with Monkeys and Cats," a picture by Abraham Teniers from the 1600s that takes a novel anthropomorphic tack by substituting cats and monkeys for human figures. Despite the unique environment, the barbershop looks like a familiar institution with a peculiar and quirky twist. Indeed the author was very inspired and creative when he did this work. As you can see, the barbershop resembles a standard institution on a regular street, and the feline patrons and the monkey employees appear content and professional. Overall, this piece of art is a beautiful addition to the art world because of its inventive and amusing components.

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8. "Barber Shop With Monkeys and Cats" (1647) by Abraham Teniers-0

9. "The Black Cat" by Min Zhen

Even if the character in the image is a little chubby, isn't it lovely? After consuming all the cat food, the cat looks pleased and needs no further praise. Chinese painter and sculptor Min Zhen was born in Nanchang, Jiangxi, but lived much of his life in Hubei. His creative technique was mainly concentrated on human forms, with occasional finger painting. He was recognized for his distinctive painting style. He joined the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou, a group of Chinese artists active in the 18th century who defied the Qing Dynasty's traditional painting conventions with their individualistic and expressive painting style.

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9. "The Black Cat" by Min Zhen-0

10. "A White Cat Playing with a String" by Utagawa Hiroshige II (1863)

One of Hiroshige II's well-known prints is "A White Cat Playing with Thread," made in 1863. Even though it is a pretty old work of art, its beauty is eternal. The photograph depicts a white cat sitting on its hind legs and playing with a string attached to a bamboo pole. The cat appears utterly absorbed in its entertaining activities. This print exhibits Hiroshige II's distinct style. In addition to being boldly rendered, it demonstrates the artist's careful observation of a domestic cat.

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10.  "A White Cat Playing with a String" by Utagawa Hiroshige II (1863)-0

11. "The Cat at Play" by Henriëtte Ronner-Knip (1860-1878)

The main character of this work of art conquers through his charisma and playful character. The body's position and the expressiveness with which it is played can further amplify the love for the felines. As for the author, I can tell you that Henriette Ronner-Knip was born into a family of artists in Amsterdam. She became well-known for her depictions of household animals, notably cats. Her paintings are an eternal favorite among cat lovers because they successfully depict cats' playful and charming characteristics. She is also known for being sincere in her observation and study of her feline subjects, even going so far as to construct a glass-fronted studio where the cats could roam freely, take naps, and engage in typical feline antics.

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11. "The Cat at Play" by Henriëtte Ronner-Knip (1860-1878)-0

12. "The White Cat" by Pierre Bonnard

If you have such a feline friend at home, you are acknowledged with the Arching Back position. Well, Pierre Bonnard dared to depict these fantastic and artistic feline characteristics with the help of art. Cats were a common topic for Bonnard's paintings, sometimes as a little accent and other times, like in "The White Cat," as the primary focus. In this painting, Pierre Bonnard used distortion to show a cat comically arching its back. The preliminary sketches show that the artist spent a great deal of time deciding on the size and placement of the paws. Both the painting's robust and asymmetrical arrangement and the cat's subject matter are reminiscent of Japanese art, especially the prints that Bonnard much appreciated.

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12. "The White Cat" by Pierre Bonnard-0

13. "Curiosity" by Horatio Henry Couldery (19th century)

English artist Horatio Henry Couldery was noted for his incredible attention to detail in his paintings. Although he occasionally painted canines, his primary subject matter was cats. He was particularly fascinated with cats and had an extraordinary talent for capturing their faces authentically and rendering them with fluffy textures that give the impression that they are reachable. This fantastic painting from the 19th century immediately fascinates anyone with the realistic representation of this cute kitty.

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13. "Curiosity" by Horatio Henry Couldery (19th century)-0

14. "The Cook and the Cat" by Théodule-Augustin Ribot (1860)

This impressive painting from 1860 captivates anyone's attention with its depth and talent. Although the main character is the cook, the cat in the picture stands out because of its brilliance. In contrast to dogs, which can be convinced to keep out of the kitchen while meals are being prepared, cats are renowned for getting in the way when food is around. The cat is the star in Théodule-Augustin Ribot's painting "The Chef and the Cat," even if the cook occupies the foreground. The cook's loving cat can be heard purring nonstop while trying to sneak a few nibbles, much to the cook's annoyance.

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14. "The Cook and the Cat" by Théodule-Augustin Ribot (1860)-0

15. "Cat With Her Kittens" by Julius Adam II (1913)

What can be more beautiful than the relationship between a mother and her children? Warmth, tenderness, and care are the most appropriate words to describe such a work of art. It was created in 1913 by Julius Adam II, fascinated by feline creatures. Like his well-known ancestor Albrecht Adam, Julius Adam II had a reputation as a painter, but he specialized in cats rather than horses. Henriette Ronner-Knip and Louis Eugéne Lambert, two well-known cat artists, were akin to him in terms of creative approach.

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15. "Cat With Her Kittens" by Julius Adam II (1913)-0

16. "La Poeté" by Marc Chagall (1949-1950)

When you look at this work of art, you become very curious, trying to understand the message the author wanted to convey. Well, the artist created his distinctive aesthetic vision by fusing the movements of Cubism, Symbolism, Fauvism, and Surrealism. Namely, this aspect makes the masterpiece so fabulous. Marc Chagall experienced modernism's "golden age" in Paris. Throughout his long career, he regularly included common themes and subjects in his work, including intimate views of Jewish communities, peasant life, and village settings, all of which were dreamy and surreal. His paintings frequently used cats to highlight their frivolous character. As shown in the image above, they were essential companions to the people he depicted, including poets, musicians, and ladies.

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16. "La Poeté" by Marc Chagall (1949-1950)-0

17. "Raminou Sitting on a Cloth" by Suzanne Valadon (1920)

This painting is about Raminou, an expressive but at the same time imposing creature. Suzanne Valadon created the masterpiece in 1920. The artist discovered her talent and her passion for painting and decided to make a career out of it after some sad events in her life. One of Valadon's numerous works with cats that captures their mischievous spirit is "Raminou Seated on a Linen." While Raminou, who appears in at least three of her works, was one of the cats she loved painting, she also shocked bourgeois society with her images of naked women.

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17. "Raminou Sitting on a Cloth" by Suzanne Valadon (1920)-0

18. Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Cats Suggested As the Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō by Utagawa Kuniyoshi ( 1850)

Have you tried to count how many cats you see in the picture? It is complicated, but it was even more difficult for the author to create such a work of art in a particular style. Well, there are 55 cats in this triptych artwork by Japanese artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi. They are seen performing various tasks, including eating fish, capturing rodents, and crawling out of a basket. When Kuniyoshi became a teacher, it was said that his workshop was crowded with cats, which was indicative of his intense passion for cats in his personal life. His love of cats was also evident in his artwork; several of his best works include felines. Like the later artist Louis Wain, Kuniyoshi frequently gave his cats human characteristics. They were often shown as highly expressive studies and as characters from well-known stories.

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18. Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Cats Suggested As the Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō by Utagawa Kuniyoshi ( 1850)-0

19. "The White Cat" by Franz Marc (1912)

But of course, our list could not miss the famous “The White Cat” by Franz Marc which amazed the public in that period and not only. Franz Marc, known for his striking depictions of animals like horses, dogs, and particularly cats, became well-known when his paintings were shown in Munich between 1911 and 1912. For the author, animals were the ideal symbol of purity, truth, and beauty. His paintings of cats feature the animals in various scenarios, such as cats lounging on a cushion or in a basket and two cats represented in blue and yellow on a piece of red fabric, capturing the animals in their natural condition of sleeping or grooming. Moreover, the artist thought that colors had symbolic meanings, with blue denoting spirituality and masculinity, yellow denoting feminine delight, and red denoting aggression.

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19. "The White Cat" by Franz Marc (1912)-0

20. "The Cat’s Lunch" by Marguerite Gérard (late 18th century–early 19th century)

Sometimes beauty can be found in simple and rather mundane things. At first glance, how can such a painting that illustrates the care of an animal impress? But yes, maybe through awareness and empathy. The beautiful piece of art was created in the late 18th century–early 19th century by Marguerite Gérard. Many of her paintings portray ordinary realities. Marguerite Gérard was well-known for her oil paintings and etchings and received art training from her brother-in-law Jean-Honoré Fragonard. Fragonard was also known for including cats in his paintings, so he probably had some influence on her. Gérard was a genre artist who specialized in intimately portraying household themes. Marguerite Gérard frequently used attire and locations from past ages, in contrast to other female artists who took their inspiration from ancient antiquity.

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20. "The Cat’s Lunch" by Marguerite Gérard (late 18th century–early 19th century)-0

21. "The Chat Noir" by Théophile Steinlen (1896)

The black cat is a mysterious symbol and can become an appreciated character in various works of art. Never before has a cat been so approached and privileged to represent several artistic destinations, such as a lounge, a nightclub, or the cover of a journal. The following caricature demonstrates this. In the 19th century, Le Chat Noir was a well-liked cabaret in Paris's artistic Montmartre neighborhood. The busy music hall nightclub was advertised using Théophile Steinlen's classic poster with a black cat. A monthly journal of the same name, published by Le Chat Noir from 1882 until 1895, featured political satire, poetry, news about the lounge and Montmartre, and literary works. Moreover, reproductions of the cat-themed poster are now a standard souvenir in Paris.

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21. "The Chat Noir" by Théophile Steinlen (1896)-0

22. "The Cat At Play" by Henriette Ronner-Knip (1860 – 1878)

Animal paintings were trendy in the Victorian era. Their realistic, sophisticated, and playful character made them highly appreciated and loved compared to other works of art. Among all animals, cats were the most loved characters in this regard. This passion led Henriette Ronner, raised in a family of painters, to paint her pets, especially her naughty cats. She adored painting her feline pals in the middle of home mayhem, even though many of her works show them playing innocently. Among her numerous creations, The Cat At Play is regarded as one of a woman artist's best paintings of cats.

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22. "The Cat At Play" by Henriette Ronner-Knip (1860 – 1878)-0

23. "Woman With Cat" by Kees Von Dongen (1908)

You don't have to be a great art critic to be impressed by this beauty. "Woman With Cat" by Kees Von Dongen was created in 1908 and showed the love for felines in a particular way. The artwork shows the lady affectionately cuddling a black cat against her nude body, conveying an intimate and loving relationship. Remarkably, the woman's body curvature echoes the feline's, and her headgear emphasizes the painting's main idea. To depict an androgynous figure in this painting, the artist Dongen juxtaposed soft, relaxing hues.

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23. "Woman With Cat" by Kees Von Dongen (1908)-0

Agree; our list was a bit long, but not in vain because different cats were presented, with different characters and charisma. In this way, you could get to know the evolution of these fluffy beauties over the centuries. Each period has a particular and unique style of artistic expression. This perception reveals how art has been polished over time and how we can contribute to its expansion. If you are curious about how your furry friend would look in such a work of art, we can help you with the most inspired caricature ideas. Our caricature stands out among others for bringing the best likeness with the original photo, perfectly depicting your feline friend's charisma and nature. For your information, we have gathered a vast collection of creative cat portraits. Moreover, with Photolamus, you get five stars customer support, per our 100% love policy, so don't worry; we will make the necessary adjustments until you are satisfied with the result.

Cat Caricatures

Cats play an essential role in the lives of many of us. They give warmth and positive emotions. And all these emotions can be captured with the help of a bright and cheerful cat caricature. Everyone with a fluffy pet at home will tell you how many funny and comical cases are connected with his cat. Of course, cats are one of the most comedic animals! This feature of animals can be used to create a caricature. Photolamus knows how to work with images of animals. Our professional artists will help you create a cat caricature for you or as a gift. We will create a portrait of an animal or even an entire composition with a plot. Do you have a funny picture of your cat? We will transform it into funny cat caricature images that always give you a great mood!
Cat Caricatures


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