Digital Style
How many characters would you like us to draw? Note: Each person, per, vehicle or object is counted as additional character.
$43.99Are you looking for Conference Speaker Caricature? Upload your photo and describe your wishes and our talented artist will create a work of art for you that you can present to the Speaker for any occasion. Such a Caricature will reflect the hobby and profession of a person, and our artist will pay special attention to the charisma of your person. The Caricature will look great on Social Media or any other option that we offer below. Your person will be depicted from head to feet in colored style and natural background. Fill out the order form and feel free to describe your wishes. The Caricature will be sent to your email as a high-quality JPG file for printing. Additional delivery options for an additional fee: digital caricature on a Poster, Canvas, T-shirt, or Mug. Shipping worldwide! Express delivery is available upon request.
Can you take off the facial hair on sides, just leave the goatee. But other than that I love it.