Digital Style
How many characters would you like us to draw? Note: Each person, per, vehicle or object is counted as additional character.
$37.99Are you looking for a Caricature for your Business or do you want to capture your employees together in an unusual and interesting format? In any case, our professional artist will handle any task and hand draw the perfect Group Construction Workers Caricature for any of your purposes. Your characters will be drawn up till shoulders in paintful style and on plain background, and we will add your Logo anywhere. Such a Caricature will look great on your Social Media or even on a Business Card. Upload your photos and describe your wishes for the drawing below. The Caricature will be sent to your email as a high-quality JPG file for printing. Additional delivery options for an additional fee: digital caricature on a Poster, Canvas, T-shirt, or Mug. Shipping worldwide! Express delivery is available upon request.
So pleased with this caricature - thank you so much!!