Digital Style
How many characters would you like us to draw? Note: Each person, per, vehicle or object is counted as additional character.
$37.99Capture the essence of a conference speaker's achievements with a personalized drawing that showcases their strengths. This artistic representation can be a tangible tribute, doubling as a decorative piece at home or work. It holds the potential to be a badge, a business card, or a valuable business tool, serving as a unique trophy for their impactful work.
We LOVE the drawing! Thank you!!!! Is it possible to take the sunglasses off the one person "Hunter" and the person "Mike" (third from right) is it possible to move his chin a bit back and down? I didn't realize that his picture was like that. Also, it is possible at an upcharge to get a color version of these too? Or is it possible to have the logo in color with all of us black and white? THANKS A MILLION!!!