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How many characters would you like us to draw? Note: Each person, per, vehicle or object is counted as additional character.
$31.99Order an amusing and funny Exaggerated Family Caricature, hand-drawn from photographs, in colored style. Exaggerated Family Caricature is a fun art form which can make a unique personable gift to yourself or your friends and relatives. Our Photolamus artist will create an amazing drawing that captures your face and emotions keeping it looking like you and your family members! Mention your requirements for caricature, describe any specification, and we will try to meet all of your expectations. The drawing will be delivered as a ready-to-be-printed JPG file to your email. Additional delivery options available: Exaggerated Family Caricature printed on Canvas, Photo paper or Mug. Worldwide shipping.
Above and beyond what I asked for or expected. Very pleased with their work.