Digital Style
How many characters would you like us to draw? Note: Each person, per, vehicle or object is counted as additional character.
$32.99If your family is unique, funny and united, then a caricature on your family members will make an incredible surprise to all of you. Get a personalized caricature drawing, which will be designed in colored style, based on individual requirements regarding concept of background and Superhero costumes. Mention which background you would like us to get drawn, for example family drawn in front of city, park or something another of your choice as well as if you have an idea about personalized costumes of superheroes, then it should be described below, otherwise you will get a Superhero caricature drawing based on Photolamus artists' perception. Superheroes Family Caricature will be delivered as a printable JPG File on Email, by default. Ready-made personalized Superhero Caricature can be printed on any type of surfaces of your choice and used personally as well as in business. Additional delivery options: Caricature printed on Canvas, mug or photo paper of selected size. Worldwide shipping is available.
Really great job ! Thank you.... No Revisions Needed...