Full Body Avatar Drawing with Logo

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Avatar Style





Caricature specifications

How many characters would you like us to draw? Note: Each person, per, vehicle or object is counted as additional character.

Drawing requirements

Describe your overall drawing idea - include as many details, such as hobbies, favorite stuff, desired positions, clothing, objects and background.

Upload photos *



Product description

Looking for an amazing originally designed avatar for your personal logo? Then a full body avatar caricature from photo for custom business logo will be a great option for you. You will be drawn in a low exaggerated style, standing full-length next to the logo of your business. The logo caricature will look excellent on your business card or personal website and will emphasize your professional achievements. Upload your photos and your logo and let us know your requirements and preferences, and our artist will take all of them into consideration and hand-draw an astonishing artwork for you. The Business Avatar Caricature will be delivered on Email as a high-quality JPG File ready for printing.

Full Body Avatar Drawing with Logo