Digital Style
One Color
How many characters would you like us to draw? Note: Each person, per, vehicle or object is counted as additional character.
$54.99Are you looking for a Full Body Hairdresser Caricature from Photo with One Color Background? We will hand-draw a perfect artwork from your photos. Order a custom, hand drawn caricature featuring yourself, your friend or family member in colored style created by one of our professional artist. Such a personalized caricature for sure will be a stunning gift for your person who should be drawn. Specify all details that should be included in your drawing and get in several days a funny caricature based on your wishes and requirements. Such a drawing can be used as a visit card for your business as well, you can ask us to include your logo in the drawing. The cartoon drawing will be delivered as a ready-to-be-printed JPG File on Email. Additional delivery options: Cartoon printed on Canvas, Photo paper, T-shirt or Mug.