Happy Couple Caricature in Color Style with Black Background from Photo

Preselected options



Digital Style


One Color



Caricature specifications

How many characters would you like us to draw? Note: Each person, per, vehicle or object is counted as additional character.

Drawing requirements

Describe your overall drawing idea - include as many details, such as hobbies, favorite stuff, desired positions, clothing, objects and background.

Upload photos *



Product description

Photolamus Caricaturists offer to create for you a personalized Happy Couple Caricature in Color Style with Black Background from Photo, which will be designed from photos in colored style. Surprise your soul-mate with such an amazing cartoon, fully hand-drawn based on your ideas and requirements. Preserve your strong relationships with this romantic cartoon drawing, which will make the most memorable gift on Birthday. Valentine's Day or Christmas. Such a unique drawing, made for you both, will be perfectly looking in your home or as settled as wallpaper on your smartphones. Happy Couple Caricature will be delivered as a ready-to-be-printed JPG File to submitted Email.

Happy Couple Caricature in Color Style with Black Background from Photo