Digital Style
How many characters would you like us to draw? Note: Each person, per, vehicle or object is counted as additional character.
$32.99Upload a photo of your cute Kid and our talented artist will make your Kid's dreams come true and capture your son or daughter on a magical Caricature as any character from Cartoon Frozen. We assure you that your Kid will be delighted after seeing himself in such a fantastic drawing and will want to keep it forever. Such a Caricature will look great on a Social Media Avatar or even decorate the interior of the Kid's Room in the form of a Poster on the wall. Upload your photos and describe your ideas and wishes for the drawing below. The Caricature will be sent to your email as a high-quality JPG file for printing. Additional delivery options for an additional fee: digital caricature on a Poster, Canvas, T-shirt, or Mug. Shipping worldwide! Express delivery is available upon request.
Solid work that was completed in a timely manner just in time for this young girl’s birthday!