Logo-ul Baker Caricature Cake Studio

Opțiuni preselectate



Stilul digital





Specificații de caricatură

Câte personaje ai vrea să desenăm? Notă: Fiecare persoană, per, vehicul sau obiect este socotită ca personaj suplimentar.

Cerințe de desen

Descrieți-vă ideea generală de desen - includeți cât mai multe detalii, cum ar fi hobby-uri, lucruri preferate, poziții dorite, îmbrăcăminte, obiecte și fundal.

Încarcă fotografii *



Descriere produs

Are you looking for a custom Caricature showing your Pastry Business? Then Pastry Chef Logo Caricature in Color Style for Business Purpose is what you need. Based on your photos and ideas, our professional artist will create a work of art that will look great on your Social Media or even on a Business Card, and will also be an amazing gift for your relative, friends, or business partner. The Caricature will be drawn with graphic pencils and depict the head including shoulders of your person on a light background, we will also add any inscription of your choice. Fill out the order form below and describe your wishes. The drawing will be sent to your email as a high-quality JPG file for printing. Additional delivery options for an additional fee: digital caricature on a Poster, Canvas, T-shirt, or Mug. Shipping worldwide! Express delivery is available upon request.

Logo-ul Baker Caricature Cake Studio